Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Why Magical Realism?

Hello Wide World! Welcome to my little corner of it.

You're probably wondering why I'm bothering all you people out there? (Especially if you stumbled upon my blog by accident. Which you most likely have. Aren't search engines a bitch? )Anyhow... the answer is pretty simple; welcome to my homework. Yep homework. This is the second half of my research for a mixed genre writing class. 

So... (Are you having déjà vu yet?)

Magical Realism huh?

Yep that's right; Magical Realism. One of the two genres I've decided to throw into the mixing pot. Why? Well... it seemed to be a good idea at the time. (I actually picked it because of its name; how bad can it be it if has "magical" in its title?)   

If your actually still reading this; and haven't hit the back button to return to whatever horribly inefficient search engine that brought you here to begin with, then let me give you a preview into my blog...

What am I going to actually do with this blog?


I'm going to explain and explore (mostly explore since I really don't know this genre) different aspects of Magical Realism. Scattered within and around my little information episodes I will review books as well as talk about suitable TV shows and movies. I may even bring up appropriate music and art. Beyond that... who knows? Eventually I might put some of my writing experiments up.

That's about it. It's a blog...what can I say? 

If for some reason your interested in the other half of my project; which is Urban Fantasy, go here.

If your reading this and wondering if you can survive such vicious torture for another minute; don't wonder. The back button is located in the upper half of your screen. Push it. I'm not going to stop you.

If your reading this because you have to ( Just let me  say a large hello to everybody else in class; HELLO!) or if you're actually curious about the blog. Enjoy.

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